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tips, trends & bits of news - social media 2103

We've kept this brief and we hope relevant! If you'd like more information on any of the following points we'd be happy to oblige.

The top three social media platforms to target are LinkedIn, Facebook and Pinterest.

Mobilise - more people are logged into Facebook, Twitter, and other social profiles through smartphones and tablets these days than through PCs. Supporting mobile devices is no longer just an option; it’s mandatory.

Social media will become more visual (take the growth of Pinterest as an example). Studies on Facebook engagement rates show that photos get up to 35% more engagement than text posts.

Content is critical, that is quality of your content, your posts, your tweets, your images, your links, your videos or your comments.

The problem of information overload is ever present and it’s not likely to change. Apply these four litmus tests to anything you do in social media – quality, value, relevance and context. And make sure it’s something your client will be into – not just something you think they should be!

Do make sure your social media is integrated with your newsletter – that your newsletter programme enables you to incorporate the Like Me code into your newsletter for example – check with your designer.

Engage your audience and humanize your social media activities – if you just use social media to post links forget it. You need to provide a name, a human being in all your social media to really make it zing. Be there as a person. And you need to get your audience engaged.

If you would like assistance in developing your social media here's our email.

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