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giving your visitors a great user experience

These days, a great visitor or user experience is really important in the design and development of your website.

A great user experience makes sure that when someone visits your site, they enjoy every part of it, they can move around it easily and they can find everything they want.

A great user experience leads to higher sales or conversions which is right at the heart of a website design. If a potential client thinks your business is interesting and fun, they'll use your services. If a customer finds it easy to find the products they want and the information they need, they'll buy something. If someone finds the information they want immediately, they'll share the resource.

Think about why you enjoy your favourite stores, which of course have been created with customer experience in mind. Your website should be no different. Basically, like so many things, it's about putting yourself in your client's shoes and thinking about the experience they're looking for when they visit your site. It's about understanding how they see the world.

Some of the things you need to do are

  • create a really good landing page which ofers clear options and a reason for the visitor to do something - a call to action
  • simple, clear and obvious navigation and flow - you may need to look at revising and tidying up any complicated menus
  • topical content of interest to your customer
  • identify key information - find out what's important to your customer and make it easily accessible, eg contact details, location and make sure product details are easy to reach from the home page
  • visual appeal and impact - have a look at improving your images, illustrations and other graphics
  • focus - you can't do everything for everyone so be crystal clear about your markets, users and objectives
  • make sure every page has a compelling call to action, where sensible, and gives really clear reasons as to why they should take the enxt step
  • think about making sure your website is responsive and works well on all devices

Its always important to go on improving your site as time goes by, tweaking the design and the copy and checking out how people are using it.

All things being equal we'll all choose a website that delivers the experience we're after.

Give us a call on 04 212 6160, if you'd like some help to create a great user experience.

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