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Oryx Technologies website design August 2013 newsletter about online shopping
NEWSLETTER September 2013

Good afternoon

We've heard a bit over the last few years about the death of email marketing in the face of social media, but research shows just the opposite - the amount spent on email marketing in the USA is predicted (Forrester Research Email Marketing Forecast) to increase from about $1.7 billion (2011) to nearly $2.5 billion in 2016.

So, here's some of the latest gen on email marketing and some tips to help make the most of it.




why your business still needs email marketing


The idea that email newsletters are beat-up old has-beens being overtaken by social media, such as Facebook, just isn't true. In fact, email is the number one preferred communication method for both personal and marketing communications and in terms of daily use.

77% of people using online prefer to get marketing messages (permission based) through email compared to other marketing channels. Direct mail was next (9%), with only 4% choosing Facebook and 1% Twitter. This is according to the 2012 Channel Preference Survey by ExactTarget which was conducted late last year. This survey also showed that email drives more consumer purchases than any other marketing channel/method.

Email marketing achieves huge results. It has the highest return on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels with a return of almost US$41 per dollar spent. Mobile's return per dollar spent was US$10.51 and social media was US$12.71.

However, we definitely believe you can enhance your email marketing by using other channels such as social media, just don't throw email marketing out of the window!

If you'd like more information give us a call.





Tips for making the most of email marketing campaigns.

Unfortunately not all emails are friendly and personalised. In addition, the length and context of your subject line, and the use of some words, can mean your email ends up in the spam folder.

Here are some email marketing tips to get your emails read and kept out of the spam folder.




Bits and bobs

  • If only all our commercials could be like this one, there'd be no complaints about the breaks in our tv programmes. Check this out.....

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