Good morning [firstname,fallback=]

Such wonderful weather - maybe we could all do our office work in the garden like the fellow above!

In this issue we’re looking at some latest web design trends, what to expect from Social Media (the use of which soared by 20% in the 2012 year!) this year, including the rapid growth of Pinterest, and the future of email marketing.

And we’re recommending you give your website a health check.

Anna Hamilton





Social media this year - Pinterest surges ahead

Oryx is relatively new to Pinterest. We set up an account end of last year once Pinterest launched the business accounts – both for us and our clients. Since then we’ve set up accounts for two clients but things have moved on fast!

Once viewed as a niche player in the social space, Pinterest has become one of the fastest growing social networks ever and a considerable force in marketing - this echos the growing emphasis on visual and images.

Stats released February this year, show Pinterest is close to outstripping Twitter in user numbers and that 47% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest – that’s huge! And it sends more traffic to other sites than Google+, Linkedin, and YouTube combined.

Read more here about how to maximise Pinterest and images for your marketing.

Follow us on Pinterest here.





Dedicated to making your social media involvement more relevant and effective?

Predictions abound about mobile, integration, information overload and use of visual engagement.

See more about these tips and newsy bits.

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Future of email marketing – outlook sunny!

Email newsletters are the single biggest factor in driving people to your >Email marketingwebsite aside from the search engines. Jacob Nielsen reported recently that when people were asked why they were visiting particular websites, the most common response was, "I was reminded to do so because I received an email newsletter from the site."

Four key areas to consider

Emails need to be more targeted and segmented
Get through the clutter
Jazz up the info you want to share with links to photos and video
Make sure your newsletter programme can deliver. We love Campaign Monitor.

See more here.

The four big trends for email newsletters generally for 2013 are


See more here.




Website Design Trends 2013

It’s not so easy to predict trends in an area where changes are continuous and happen in a blink of the eye, but here are some which should stand you in good stead. We've only included detail about the first trend below - click here to see more about the others.


Quality content matters. Yes, I know I’ve been harping on for years about content being king (for website visitors and for search engines) but quality content not going to be just a guideline any more - its going to be essential.

Google really cracked down last year with the Penguin and Panda updates – which means any ploys for building first page ranking used by unethical SEOs are going to be penalized. Every business that wants to stay relevant on the web needs to invest in content. There’s absolutely no doubt about it.

Responsive design

Multidevice design

Scalable design

Better page layout

More videos - a common theme

Design resource pooling

Fixed header/menu bars

Infinite scrolling. A great example of this is Pinterest

Backgrounds comprising large photos

Transparency on websites

Minimalist landing pages

See more here





Your website health

We suggest you take some time out and check out your website’s health – it’s easy and simple to do – before we get too much further through the year.

Make sure that prices listed on your website are current and any competitions or special offers you ran during the year have not expired. Check the product details, contact details, that your images are still relevant (new images are a great way to freshen your website), that all the links are working correctly and that you’re in Google Places.

And check that your most recent newsletters, media releases and articles are available.

Give us a call if you need some help.




Some interesting bits and bobs


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